Health and Safety Policy
Chigwell Therapy Centre
Last updated September 2022
General Statement of Policy, Duties & Responsibilities
Policy Statement
Chigwell Therapy Centre recognises and accepts its health and safety duties for providing a safe and healthy working environment (as far as is reasonably practicable) for all its therapists (paid or volunteer) and other visitors to its premises under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, other relevant legislation and common law duties of care.
Throughout this Statement, terms such as “staff”, “workers”, “employees”, include both paid and volunteer workers.
We are committed to promoting the health and safety of the volunteers, staff and of all visitors to the the Premises and to that intent to:
· Take all reasonably practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all personnel on the premises;
· Provide adequate working conditions with proper facilities to safeguard the health and safety of personnel and to ensure that any work which is undertaken produces no unnecessary risk to health or safety;
· Encourage centre users to co-operate in all safety matters, in the identification of hazards which may exist and in the reporting of any condition which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory;
· Ensure the provision and maintenance of equipment and systems of work that are safe;
· Maintain safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of any articles;
· Provide sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable everyone to avoid hazards and contribute to their own safety and health;
· Provide specific information, instruction, and supervision to centre users who have particular health and safety responsibilities
· Make, as reasonably practicable, safe arrangements for protection against any risk to health and safety of the general public or other persons that may arise for the centre’s activities;
· Make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of centre users arising out of or in connection with the centre’s activities;
· Make specific assessment of risks in respect of new or expectant mothers and young people under the age of eighteen;
· Provide information to other employers of any risks to which those employer’s workers on the centre’s premises may be exposed.
This policy statement and/or the procedures for its implementation may be altered at any time by the Directors. The statement and the procedures are to be reviewed in the (autumn) of each year by the Directors or by other persons appointed by them.
Statutory Duty of the Organisation
Chigwell Therapy Centre will comply with its duty to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of its therapists and visitors to its premises and, in general, to:
· Make workplaces safe and without risks to health;
· Ensure any equipment is safe and that safe systems of work are set and followed;
· Ensure articles and equipment are moved, stored and used safely;
· Give volunteers/ workers the information, instruction and supervision necessary for their health and safety.
In particular, Chigwell Therapy Centre will:
· Assess the risks to health and safety of its volunteers/therapists/visitors;
· Make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as necessary by this assessment;
· Record the significant findings of the risk assessment and the arrangements for health and safety measures;
· Draw up a health and safety policy statement; including the health and safety organisation and arrangements in force, and bring it to the attention of anyone working at or visiting the premises;
· Appoint someone competent to assist with health and safety responsibilities;
· Set up emergency procedures;
· Provide adequate First Aid facilities;
· Make sure that the workplace satisfies health, safety and welfare requirements, eg for ventilation, temperature, lighting and for sanitary, washing and rest facilities;
· Make sure that work equipment is suitable for its intended use as far as health and safety is concerned, and that it is properly maintained and used;
· Prevent or adequately control exposure to substances that may damage health;
· Take precautions against danger form flammable or explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise or radiation;
· Avoid hazardous manual handling operations and, where they cannot be avoided, reduce the risk of injury;
· Ensure that appropriate safety signs are displayed and maintained;
· Report certain injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences to the appropriate health and safety enforcing authority.
Statutory Duty of the Organisation’s Therapists
Therapists using the centre have legal duties, we request non-employed (voluntary) workers also to observe these. They include the following:
· To take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and that of other persons who may be affected by what they do or do not do;
· To co-operate with the centre on health and safety;
· To use work items provided by the centre correctly;
· Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for health, safety and welfare purposes;
· To report at the earliest opportunity injuries, accidents or dangerous occurrences at work, including those involving the public and participants in activities organised by the centre;
· Health and Safety law applies not only to employees in the workplace, it also applies to organisations and people who occupy or use community buildings to which members of the public have access.
Policy for Visitors and Contractors
On arrival all visitors should be directed to the representative of the user/hirer of the building. This person is to take responsibility for the visitor(s) and assist in their evacuation from the building during an emergency or arrange help in the event of an accident.
Organisation of Health and Safety
Health and Safety Rules
Anyone using the centre must exercise ordinary care to avoid accidents in their activities at the premises and comply with the following general rules:
Accident Forms and Book
The book must be kept in a secure location.
Any injury suffered in the course of therapy or otherwise on the centre’s premises, however slight, must be recorded, together with such other particulars as are required by statutory regulations, on an accident form maintained by the centre.
Fire Precautions
All personnel and learners must familiarise themselves with fire escape routes and procedures and follow the directions of the Organisation in relation to fire.
Equipment and Appliances
No equipment or appliance may be used other than as provided by or specifically authorised by or on behalf of the centre and any directions for the use of such must be followed precisely.
Safety Clearways
Corridors and doorways must be kept free of obstructions and properly lit.
Defective equipment, furniture and structures must be reported as such without delay.
Hygiene and Waste Disposal
Facilities for the disposal of waste materials must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition. Waste must be disposed of in an appropriate manner and in accordance with any special instructions relating to the material concerned.
Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
Smoking within the premises and the use of drugs (except under medical supervision) on the premises are prohibited at all times. The use of intoxicants (alcohol) is strictly prohibited during working/course hours, and no employee/volunteer or student may undertake his/her duties if under the influence of alcohol or drugs (except under medical supervision)
Arrangement and Procedures
The centre Director (Katie Rose) is responsible for ensuring that the safety policy is carried out and that responsibilities for safety, health and welfare are properly assigned and accepted at all levels. Their details and contact number will be displayed within the centre.
First Aid
· The first aid box is located next to the door entryphone system. Please notify the centre if anything is used or removed so that it can be replaced.
· In the event of an injury or illness, call for a member of staff or ring for an ambulance directly by calling 999.
· All accidents must be reported to Katie Rose immediately or as soon as practicable;
· All accidents must be entered into the accident book.
All incidents and accidents will be investigated, and consideration will be give to the actions necessary to prevent recurrence.
Fire Drills
· All centre users must know the fire procedures, position of fire appliances and escape routes.
· The fire alarm points, fire exits and emergency lighting system will be tested by Katie Rose in accordance with the Company’s policy and procedures.
In the event of fire
· Persons discovering a fire should sound the nearest alarm;
· The first duty of all centre users is to evacuate all people from the building by the nearest exit immediately the fire is discovered;
· All persons must evacuate the building and, where possible without personal risk, leave all doors and windows closed;
· The assembly point for the building is on the corner of Hobart Road and High Street.
· If any fire occurs, however minor, the Fire Brigade must be called immediately by dialling 999.
· When the Fire Brigade arrives advise whether all persons are accounted for and location of fire.
Bomb Warnings
· If you receive a warning try to find out from the caller:
i) The approximate location of the bomb and likely time of detonation;
ii) Whether the police and fire brigade have been notified;
· Notify the Police immediately on 999;
· DO NOT SOUND THE FIRE ALARM but evacuate the building taking into consideration any information form the bomb warning;
· Assemble in the assembly point unless the bomb warning implies otherwise.
Cleaning Materials, General Machinery and High Risk Areas
· All portable machinery must be switched off and unplugged when not in use;
· Wandering cables are a hazard; use with caution and safety in mind;
· Slippery floors and dangerous; use warning signs;
· All thoroughfares, exits and gates must be left clear at all times;
· Corridors and fire exits must not be blocked by furniture or equipment;
· Vehicles must not be parked near to the building so as to cause any obstruction or hazard;
· Hazards or suspected hazards or other health and safety matters should be reported to Katie Rose or the centre user at the premises immediately or as soon as practicable, so that action can be taken. If the hazard is of a serious nature, immediate action must be taken to protect or clear the area to prevent injury to staff or other users.
We request that our centre users and visitors respect this Policy, a copy of which will be available on demand and on our website.